Schedule 2025

08.01.2025Discussing interdisciplinary readingsIndividual choice
22.01.2025DomesticationLien et al. (2018) Introduction: Naming the Beast - exploring the Otherwise.

Tsing (2018) Nine provocations for the study of domestication
05.02.2025RewildingVon Essen, Allen (2016) Wild-But-Not-Too-Wild Animals: Challenging Goldilocks Standards in Rewilding
19.02.2025Work in ProgressPaper draft by Emilie Köhler
05.03.2025Invasive Speciesvan Dooren (2011) Invasive Species in Penguin Worlds: An Ethical Taxonomy of Killing for Conservation

Head (2017) The social dimensions of invasive plants
19.03.2025Work in ProgressPaper draft by Wisse van Engelen